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Is Tofu Good For Weight Loss

tofu, vegetables in bowl

Tofu isn’t just good for weight loss; it’s a superstar, especially for those on a keto or low-carb journey.

The Secret of Teaching Yourself to Crave Healthy Foods

Healthy Goals Journal on table surrounded by vegetables

Learn how to crave healthy foods with simple tips to rewire your brain and transform your eating habits. Say goodbye to junk and hello to nutritious cravings!

Rethink What Fat in Your Diet Means

A woman in a grocery store, looking very confused

You probably have a few burning questions about fat—like why it’s such a big deal in the keto community, Come find out why!

Top Cookware Sets for Low Carb Cooking

Looking to upgrade your kitchen with some new cookware? We’ve got you covered with some great options that make cooking and cleaning a breeze. Whether you need a set that’s

The ketogenic diet has the potential to decrease all-cause mortality without a concomitant increase in cardiovascular-related mortality

Study design and participants This cohort study utilized data from the nine national health and nutrition examination survey (NHANES) cycles conducted between 2001 and 2018, which included at least one

Study finds ketogenic diet may regulate menstrual health

Study finds ketogenic diet may regulate menstrual health | Image Credit: © KMPZZZ – © KMPZZZ – stock.adobe.com. Irregular menstrual cycles may be mediated by a ketogenic diet (KD) which